RRB रेल्वे गट-डी 32,438 हून अधिक रिक्त पदाची भरतीला सुरुवात..!- Railway Group D Bharti 2025

Railway Group D Bharti Rules & Regulation

Railway Group D Bharti 2025  – RRB Railway Group-D (Level-01) recruitment will be expected soon. As per the information there are more than 32,438 vacancy will be filled in upcoming recruitment for various Technical & Non-Technical Posts. Notification will be punished soon, See the complete details on below given pdf file. Details like how to apply, educational requirements, application fees, etc., Railway Group D Recruitment 2025 are given briefly here. Kindly Read the details carefully and keep visiting us also Keep following us on What-App Group for fast updates.

Other Important Recruitment  

वन विभाग भरती परीक्षेचे हॉल तिकीट उपलब्ध..!
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महाजनको तंत्रज्ञ ३ पदाच्या 800 रिक्त जागेची भरती सुरु..!
तलाठी २४७१ रिक्त पदांची भरती लवकरच अपेक्षित, वाचा माहिती..!
भूमी अभिलेख २५२८ पदे रिक्त लवकरच भरती अपेक्षित..!
“पोलीस भरती” कागदपत्रे 2025

आज प्रकाशित झालेल्या न्युज, प्रवेश पत्र, निकाल इ.

सर्व सरकारी योजना, लाभ, अर्ज आणि कागतपत्रांची यादी

📥 व्हाट्सअँप चॅनल जॉईन करा!

महाराष्ट्रातील सर्व सरकारी जॉब्स, निकाल, परीक्षेचे वेळापत्रक मोबाईलॲप डाउनलोड करा..!

RRB रेल्वे गट-डी 32,438 हून अधिक रिक्त पदाची भरती लवकरच अपेक्षित आहे. अधिसूचना लवकरच प्रकाशित केली जाईल, खाली दिलेल्या पीडीएफ फाइलवर संपूर्ण तपशील पहा. तसेच, या भरती संबंधित पुढील सर्व अपडेट्स मिळण्यासाठी govnokriची अधिकृत मोबाईल अँप आपल्या मोबाईल मध्ये डाउनलोड करा. ध्यनवाद..!

Vacancy Details RRB Group D Bharti 2025

  1. Pointsman-B: 5058 Vacancies,
  2. Assistant (Track Machine): 799 Vacancies,
  3. Assistant (Bridge): 301 Vacancies,
  4. Track Maintainer Gr. IV: 13187 Vacancies,
  5. Assistant p-Way: 257 Vacancies,
  6. Assistant (C&W): 2587 Vacancies,
  7. Assistant TRD: 1381 Vacancies,
  8. Assistant (S&T): 2012 Vacancies,
  9. Assistant Loco Shed (Diesel): 420 Vacancies,
  10. Assistant Loco Shed (Electrical): 950 Vacancies,
  11. Assistant Operations ((Electrical): 744 Vacancies

Expected Important Dates of RRB Group D Recruitment 2025

  • Starting Date For Online Application – 23rd January 2025
  • Last Date For Online Application – 22nd February 2025
Particular RRB Group D 2025- Notification Details
Name of Organization Railway Recruitment Board (RRB)
Exam Name RRB Group D Exam 2025
Exam Level National Level
Total Vacancies 32,438 Vacancies
Name of Posts Track Maintainer (Grade-IV), Helper/Assistant, Assistant Pointsman, Level-I Posts
Educational Criteria Matriculation
Mode of exam Computer-based test (Online)
Selection stages
  • Stage 1: Computer Based Test (CBT)
  • Stage 2: Physical Efficiency Test (PET)
  • Stage 3: Document Verification (DV)
  • Stage 4: Medical Examination
Job Location Across India
Official Website @rrbcdg.gov.in

RRB Group D Notification

rrg group d

RRB Group D Vacancy Details

RRB Group D Short Notification

RRB Group D Short Notification 1

Railway Group D Bharti 2024 | Railway Group D Recruitment 2024 – Railway Recruitment board will be released on November-December 2024. Railway board Released the Notification for Group D- Track Maintainer Grade-IV, Helper/Assistant, Assistant Pointsman, Level-I posts soon. Candidates who are interested in working for Group D posts of Indian Railways, then you should definitely take advantage of this recruitment, candidates have to apply online for this recruitment.

  • RRB Group D Examine Fees :- Candidates will have to pay the application fee while applying. Candidates coming from general category will have to pay Rs 500 as application fee. Candidates belonging to other reserved categories will have to pay Rs 250 as application fee. The important thing is that some amount of the application fee will be refunded to the candidates who appeared for the examination. A refund of Rs 400 will be given to the general category candidates who appeared in the examination.
  • RRB Group D Age Limit – In the recruitment in the context of Indian Railways, certain conditions and conditions will have to be qualified. Candidates need to qualify, otherwise they will not be able to apply. Candidates with minimum age of 18 years can apply for this recruitment as per the conditions relating to this age limit. Candidates with a maximum of 33 years are eligible to apply for this recruitment.
RRB Group D 2024- Notification Details
Name of Organization Railway Recruitment Board (RRB)
Exam Name RRB Group D Exam 2024
Exam Level National Level
Total Vacancies To be Announced
Name of Posts Track Maintainer (Grade-IV), Helper/Assistant, Assistant Pointsman, Level-I Posts
Educational Criteria Matriculation
Mode of exam Computer-based test (Online)
Selection stages
  • Stage 1: Computer Based Test (CBT)
  • Stage 2: Physical Efficiency Test (PET)
  • Stage 3: Document Verification (DV)
  • Stage 4: Medical Examination
Job Location Across India
Official Website @rrbcdg.gov.in
  • भारतीय रेल्वेच्या ग्रुप डी पदांसाठी काम करण्यास इच्छुक आहात तर या भरतीचा नक्कीच लाभ घ्यावा, या भरतीसाठी उमेदवारांना ऑनलाइन अर्ज करायचे आहे. अर्ज करण्यापूर्वी उमेदवारांनी जाहीर अधिकृत अधिसूचनेचा नक्कीच आढावा घ्यावा. अर्ज करताना उमेदवारांना अर्ज शुल्क भरावे लागणार आहे. सामान्य श्रेणीतून येणाऱ्या उमेदवारांना अर्ज शुल्क म्हणून 500 रुपये भरायचे आहेत. तर इतर आरक्षित प्रवर्गातून येणाऱ्या उमेदवारांना अर्ज शुल्क म्हणून 250 रुपये भरायचे आहेत. महत्त्वाची बाब अशी आहे की परीक्षेस उपस्थित राहिलेल्या उमेदवारांना अर्ज शुल्कातील काही रक्कम रिफंड करण्यात येईल. परीक्षेत उपस्थित राहिलेल्या सामान्य श्रेणीतून येणाऱ्या उमेदवारांना 400 रुपये रिफंड करण्यात येईल.
  • भारतीय रेल्वेच्या संदर्भात असलेल्या भरतीमध्ये काही अटी-शर्टी उमेदवारांना पात्र करावे लागणार आहेत. जाहीर करण्यात आलेल्या अधिकृत अधिसूचनेमध्ये या अटी शर्ती नमूद आहेत. उमेदवारांना त्या पात्र करणे गरजेचे आहे, अन्यथा अर्ज करता येणार नाही. वया मर्यादे संदर्भात असलेल्या अटीनुसार, किमान 18 वर्षे आयु असलेले उमेदवार या भरतीसाठी अर्ज करू शकतात. तर जास्तीत जास्त 33 वर्ष असलेले उमेदवार या भरतीसाठी अर्ज करण्यास पात्र आहेत.


Railway Group D Bharti Rules & Regulation

Indian Railways started recruitment process for 1.27 lakh vacancies. For filling up these huge vacancies 2.37 lakh applications was obtain. In this recruitment process Indian Railways is going to spend 800 corer rupees. This one of the biggest recruitment process over world wide.

With past 2 years, this is second time when Indian Railway is going to conduct such large scale recruitment process. Indian Railways started recruitment process for recruitment of Assistant Loco Pilot, Technician, Genetic & Track-man post. For recruitment to these posts online examinations are conducting. Applications obtain for these recruitment process is 15 times more than the students applied for tenth examination for 2018. Maximum students should apply for this recruitment process therefore the terms & conditions are removed. For recruitment to Group D posts ITI certificate was compulsory, now this condition is removed & now only 10th pass is eligibility. Also the age limit for this is increase from 28 years to 31 years. Railway Board chairman Ashivini Lohani said that, it is necessary to fill up the vacancies in the security grade.

RRB Bharti 2022 Important Notice

RRB Bharti 2022 – Railway Recruitment Board published notification for aware candidates who applied for the recruitment process. This notification is said for the RRB recruitment process is fully computerize & is fully depends up on the students ability. RRB never appoint any coaching institute of any agent for conducting the recruitment process. RRB published their all recruitment related notification on official website & news papers only. If any entity ask for money for such a recruitment process contact to nearest police station. Also for any guidance or doubts contact by using following phone no./ email/ website.

RRB Bilabpur Written Exam Details

Railway Recruitment Board, Bilaspur published notification for conducting Skill Test for the posts of Jr. Stenographer/ Stenographer (Hindi). From the results of written examinations 254 applicants get shortlists on 16th December 2015. The roll number of 254 provisionally shortlists applicants is also displayed on www.rrbbilaspur.gov.in. These shortlists applicants will get call through provisional appointment letter which will be sent to applicants given address.

The skill test shall be conducted either on manual typewriter or desktop computer as per the candidates choice. The candidates who choose computer mode will be treated with the option available & those who opted manual typewriter have to arrange their own typewriter. For this skill test keyboard layout will be REMINGTON (GAIL). The dictation of passage in Hindi will be of 10 minutes @ 80 W.P.M. & time allowed for transcription of passage will be 75 minutes.

The address of the skill test will be intimated / advised through RRB/Bilaspur’s website. Call letters shall be sent to shortlists applicants address with all require details.

Qualification Wise Jobs:- शैक्षणिक अहर्तेनुसार जॉब्स शोधा

✅ १०वी पास उमदेवारांसाठी जॉब्स (10th Pass Jobs) १२वी पास उमदेवारांसाठी जॉब्स (12th Pass Jobs)
बँक जॉब्स (Bank Jobs) सरंक्षण विभागात नोकरी (Jobs in Defence)
इंजिनियर जॉब्स (अभियंता) (Engineers Jobs) फ्रेशर्स जॉब्स (Jobs For Freshers)
सरकारी जॉब्स (Government Jobs) आयटीआय पास उमेदवारांसाठी जॉब्स (ITI Jobs)
पॉलिटेक्निक पास उमेदवारांसाठी जॉब्स (Poly Jobs) प्रायव्हेट जॉब्स (Private Jobs)
मेडिकल स्टाफ जॉब्स (Medical Jobs) MBA पास उमेदवारांसाठी जॉब्स (MBA Jobs)
ग्रॅजुएट उमेदवारांसाठी जॉब्स (Graduate Jobs) पोस्ट ग्रॅजुएट उमेदवारांसाठी जॉब्स (PG Jobs)
रेल्वे जॉब्स (Railway Jobs) स्कुल जॉब्स (School Jobs)
टीचर्स जॉब्स (Teachers Jobs)

District Wise Jobs:- जिल्ह्याप्रमाणे जॉब्स शोधा

✅ अहमदनगर (Jobs in Ahmednagar) अकोला (Jobs in Akola)
अमरावती (Jobs in Amravati) औरंगाबाद (Jobs in Aurangabad)
बीड (Jobs in Beed) भंडारा (Jobs in Bhandara)
बुलढाणा (Jobs in Buldhana) चंद्रपूर (Jobs in Chandrapur)
धुळे (Jobs in Dhule) गडचिरोली (Jobs in Gadchiroli)
गोंदिया (Jobs in Gondia) हिंगोली (Jobs in Hingoli)
जळगाव (Jobs in Jalgaon) जालना (Jobs in Jalna)
कोल्हापूर (Jobs in Kolhapur) लातूर (Jobs in Latur)
मुंबई (Jobs in Mumbai) नागपूर (Jobs in Nagpur)
नांदेड (Jobs in Nanded) नंदुरबार (Jobs in Nandurbar)
नाशिक (Jobs in Nashik) उस्मानाबाद (Jobs in Osmanabad)
परभणी (Jobs in Parbhani) पुणे (Jobs in Pune)
पालघर (Jobs in Palghar) रत्नागिरी (Jobs in Ratnagiri)
✅ रायगड (Job in Raigad) सातारा (Jobs in Satara)
सिंधुदुर्ग (Jobs in Sindhudurg) सोलापूर (Jobs in Solapur)
सांगली (Jobs in Sangli) ठाणे (Jobs in Thane)
वर्धा (Jobs in Wardha) वाशीम (Jobs in Washim)
यवतमाळ (Jobs in Yavatamal)
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