ICAR Mumbai Bharti 2019
cIRCOT Mumbai Recruitment 2019
ICAR- Central Institute for Research on Cotton Technology, RKVY-RAFTAAR, MoA & FW, Gol, from national agricultural development is inviting offline applications for entrepreneurship guidance program. By this program interested applicants who applied for this will get selected from the application obtain for this. The selected applicants for this will get pay of Rs.10000/- every month. Applicants who complete the program 20 eligible applicants will be selected for this. These selected applicants will be grant with Rs.5 Lakh as aided. Also for the development for the business will be grant up to Rs.25 lakh rupees. For further details regarding this applicants can visit to www.circot.res.in.
ICAR Bharti 2019
cIRCOT Recruitment 2019
Interested applicants for this are need to submit their applications to given address. Applications to this should get filled with all require details as mentioning all necessary details in the applications. Last date for submission of the applications is 6th May 2019.