12th Admission Application Form

12th Exam 2020 Application Form Date extend

For filling up the online applications for 12th board examination closing date is now extended to 15th November 2019. Students with regular applications fees have to complete their online applications form from 24th October 2019 to 15th November 2019 & also with late fees applicants need to complete their online applications form 16th to 25th November 2019.

Other Important Recruitment  

वन विभाग भरती परीक्षेचे हॉल तिकीट उपलब्ध..!
महाकोष कनिष्ठ लेखापाल पदाच्या ७५ जागेची भरती सुरु..!
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महाजनको तंत्रज्ञ ३ पदाच्या 800 रिक्त जागेची भरती सुरु..!
तलाठी २४७१ रिक्त पदांची भरती लवकरच अपेक्षित, वाचा माहिती..!
भूमी अभिलेख २५२८ पदे रिक्त लवकरच भरती अपेक्षित..!
“पोलीस भरती” कागदपत्रे 2025

आज प्रकाशित झालेल्या न्युज, प्रवेश पत्र, निकाल इ.

सर्व सरकारी योजना, लाभ, अर्ज आणि कागतपत्रांची यादी

📥 व्हाट्सअँप चॅनल जॉईन करा!

महाराष्ट्रातील सर्व सरकारी जॉब्स, निकाल, परीक्षेचे वेळापत्रक मोबाईलॲप डाउनलोड करा..!

HSC Online Form Date Extend

12th Exam 2020 Application Form Date extend

12th Online Form 2020 Date Extend

Due to some technical issues raised while filling up the online applications for 12th standard, board decide to extend the closing date for online application. Initially for filling up the online applications 3rd to 23rd October 2019 is schedule now as per the technical issues found in the online applications closing date is now extend.

Maharashtra state HSC online applications form for Arts, Science & Commerce subject are started. Closing date for online applications is 24th October 2019. But for filling up the online applications, there are some technical issues are found. As students who are going to apply for the online registration for the 12th board examinations form applicants are found some issues with applications form.

Form No 17 Download

12th Admission Application Form

12th Admission Application Form

HSC Online Registration

12th online registration forms are going to fill online mode. Students have to fill their online applications form from their respective colleges. Due to some technical difficulties in the online registration form respective school/ college clerk are unable to fill the online applications form. This may get to the loss of the students academic year, due difficulties in the online form filling. Students who are not able to fill the online applications, such students are demanding to make solve these technical issues.

12th Feb 2020 Application Form

Maharashtra State Secondary & Higher Secondary Education Department Nashik is going to conduct 12th board examination in February 2020. For this online registration are started & closing date for online registration is 24th October 2019. HSC 2020 examination time table is as given in the following link. Check other details from below.

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