Ahmednagar Jilha Rugnalay Bharti 2019
District Hospital Ahmednagar Recruitment 2019
For District Hospital total 487 posts are approved. From these 358 posts are filled & still 130 posts are vacant. Due to these such large number of vacant positions District Hospital work is not going well. These number of vacant positions affect the current working status of the hospital.
Ahmednagar District Hospital Vacancy 2019
Ahmednagar General Hospital Recruitment 2019
Also there is nurse posts has 100 vacancies. Though the vacancies filled up for the posts, from these 23 posts are not permanent. Therefore for district hospital there is need to to fill up these vacancies. To fill up these vacant positions, is an challenge for the health department. As climate change there is maximum number of patient visiting to the hospital. The daily diseases are increasing day by day. Therefore there must require of the necessary staff to treat them. Unless these vacant positions get filled, the hospital maintenance does not get stable.
Ahmednagar District Hospital Vacant Positions
Approved Posts Vacant Posts
Class – 1, Class – 2 28 28
Class – 3 69 30
Class – 4 390 100
Other Related Links :
- District Hospital Ahmednagar Bharti 2019
- District Hospital Ahmednagar Nurse Bharti 2019
- ZP Ahmednagar Bharti 2019