AWPO Recruitment 2023
AWPO Railway Gateman Recruitment 2023 vacancy Notification
AWPO Recruitment 2023 : Army Welfare Placement Organization(AWPO) has issued the notification for the recruitment of “Railway Gateman” Posts. There are total 250 vacancies available for this posts in AWPO Bharti 2023. Job Location for these posts is in MIRC Ahmednagar . The Candidates who are eligible for this posts they only apply in AWPO. All the eligible and interested candidates may present for interview on 14th July 2023. Candidates Read the complete details given below on this page regarding the AWPO Recruitment 2023 and keep visit on our website for the further updates also you can download our Sarkari Naukri App for the fast updates.
‘आर्मी वेलफेयर प्लेसमेंट ऑर्गनाइजेशन, पुणे – मध्य रेल्वे आणि DFCCIL, मुंबई येथे २५० जागांसाठी रेल्वे गेटमनची निवड. AWPO पुणे द्वारे १४ जुलै २०२३ रोजी सकाळी ०९.०० ते दुपारी ०४.०० या वेळेत एक माजी सैनिक भरती मेळावा सर्वत्र सभागृह, संभाजीनगर (औरंगाबाद), कॅन्ट येथे आयोजित केला जाईल. पगार रु. ३२,०००/- दरमहा, आठवड्याला एक दिवस सुट्टी, ५४ वर्षांपेक्षा कमी वय, किमान शिक्षण १० वी उत्तीर्ण. वैद्यकीयदृष्ट्या फिट.
आवश्यक कागदपत्रे- पेन्शन बुक, पीपीओ, आयडेंटिटी कार्ड, आधार कार्ड, पॅन कार्ड, बँक पास बुक, कॅन्सल चेक व १० पासपोर्ट साईज फोटो सोबत घेऊन येणे.
अधिक माहितीसाठी संपर्क- ०२०-२६३३४४२० / २६३३४४१९ ९८३४७१५२९५ / ९८३४९७१७९९
तसेच अधिक माहितीसाठी खाली दिलेली लिंक ओपन करावी. सर्व सरकारी जॉब्सची माहिती व्हाट्सअपवर मिळविण्यासाठी आमच्या व्हाट्सअप ग्रुपला जॉईन करा.
AWPO Ex Servicemen Notification 2023
Here we give the complete details of Army Welfare Placement Organization Bharti 2023. Educational qualification of posts, Age Limit, Jobs Location, Experience details, how to apply for the posts, where to apply for the posts, last date, important link etc., Candidates go through the complete details before applying the posts. We daily ads the news jobs details on our website telegram channel. So join our Telegram channel for the latest updates.
Army Welfare Placement Organization Bharti 2023 Details
⚠️Recruitment Name : | Army Welfare Placement Organization |
????Number of Vacancies : | 250 Posts |
????Name of Post : | Railway Gateman |
????Job Location : | Pune Division, Maharashtra |
????Pay-Scale : | Rs. 31,500/- to Rs. 32,000/- |
????Application Mode : | Interview |
????Age Criteria : | 54 Year |
Army Welfare Placement Organization Recruitment 2023 Vacancy Details |
1. Railway Gateman |
250 Posts |
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Army Welfare Placement Organization Bharti 2023- Eligibility Criteria for above posts
10th Pass |
Walk-in-Interview for AWPO Recruitment 2023
⏰ All Important Dates of AWPO Bharti 2023
⏰ Interview Date |
14th July 2023 |
Required Documents AWPO Bharti 2023
- पेन्शन बुक
- पीपीओ
- आयडेंटिटी कार्ड
- आधार कार्ड
- पॅन कार्ड
- बँक पासबुक
- कॅन्सल चेक
- पासपोर्ट साईज फोटो-१०.
AWPO Railway Gateman Recruitment 2023 vacancy Notification