CHMES Nashik Bharti 2023
Central Hindu Military Education Society Nashik Recruitment 2023
CHMES Nashik Bharti 2023: Central Hindu Military Education Society Nashik has announced recruitment notification for the “Chief Admin & Training Officer, Chief Training Officer, Residential Admin. & Training Officer, Assistant Training Officer, Military Band Master, Chief Finance Officer, Accountant, Purchase Officer, H.R. Executive, Security Supervisor, I.T. Technician, Office Assistant (Female), Librarian, Bhavan Master, Science Laboratory Assistant Laboratory Attendant, Gardener, Peon (Male)” Posts. Job Location for these posts is in Nashik. The Candidates who are eligible for this posts they only apply in CHMES, Nashik. Eligible and Interested candidates may submit their application form before the last date. Candidates who wish to be a part of the Finance Department of India can apply here by submitting the application form to the given address before 8th of July 2023. Candidates Read the complete details given below on this page regarding the CHMES Nashik 2023 and keep visit on our website for the further updates also you can download our Sarkari Naukri App for the fast updates.
सेंट्रल हिंदू मिलिटरी एज्युकेशन सोसायटी, नाशिक अंतर्गत “मुख्य प्रशासक. आणि प्रशिक्षण अधिकारी, मुख्य प्रशिक्षण अधिकारी, निवासी प्रशासन. आणि प्रशिक्षण अधिकारी, सहाय्यक प्रशिक्षण अधिकारी, मिलिटरी बँड मास्टर, मुख्य वित्त अधिकारी, लेखापाल, खरेदी अधिकारी, H.R. कार्यकारी, सुरक्षा पर्यवेक्षक, I.T. तंत्रज्ञ, कार्यालय सहाय्यक (महिला), ग्रंथपाल, भवन मास्टर, विज्ञान प्रयोगशाळा सहाय्यक प्रयोगशाळा परिचर, माळी, शिपाई (पुरुष)” पदांच्या विविध रिक्त जागा भरण्यासाठी उमेदवारांकडून अर्ज मागविण्यात येत आहे. उमेदवारांनी अर्ज 8 जुलै २०२३ या तारखेपर्यंत ऑनलाईन करावे. तसेच अधिक माहितीसाठी खाली दिलेली लिंक ओपन करावी. सर्व सरकारी जॉब्सची माहिती व्हाट्सअपवर मिळविण्यासाठी आमच्या व्हाट्सअप ग्रुपला जॉईन करा.
CHMES Recruitment 2023 Notification
Here we give the complete details of Central Hindu Military Education Society Nashik Recruitment 2023. Educational qualification of posts, Age Limit, Jobs Location, Experience details, how to apply for the posts, where to apply for the posts, last date, important link etc., Candidates go through the complete details before applying the posts. We daily ads the news jobs details on our website telegram channel. So join our Telegram channel for the latest updates.
CHMES Nashik Bharti 2023 Details
⚠️Recruitment Name : | Central Hindu Military Education Society Nashik |
????Number of Vacancies : | — |
????Name of Post : | Chief Admin & Training Officer, Chief Training Officer, Residential Admin & Training Officer, Assistant Training Officer, Military Band Master, Chief Finance Officer, Accountant, Purchase Officer, H.R. Executive, Security Supervisor, I.T. Technician, Office Assistant (Female), Librarian, Bhavan Master, Science Laboratory Assistant Laboratory Attendant, Gardener, Peon (Male) |
????Job Location : | Nashik, Maharashtra |
????Pay-Scale : | — |
????Application Mode : | Online |
????Age Criteria : | — |
Central Hindu Military Education Society Nashik 2023-Eligibility Criteria for above postsEducational qualification details are given below for every posts. |
1. Chief Admin & Training Officer | Ex serviceman with lieutenant colonel/ colonel/ equivalent rank |
2. Chief Training Officer | Ex serviceman with hon. captain rank |
3. Residential Admin & Training Officer | Ex serviceman with JCO/Hon. Captain/ equivalent rank |
4. Assistant Training Officer | Ex serviceman with Naik/ Havaldar / equivalent rank |
5. Military Band Master | Ex serviceman with JCO/NCO/Naik/ Havaldar / equivalent rank |
6. Chief Finance Officer | M. com/ MBA Finance/CA |
7. Accountant | M. com/B. com |
8. Purchase Officer | Any Graduate/ Post Graduate |
9. H.R. Executive | MBA (HR)/ Relevant |
10. Security Supervisor | Any Graduate |
11. I.T. Technician | Diploma/ Graduate (Computer/IT) |
12. Office Assistant (Female) | HSC/ Any Graduate |
13. Librarian | B. Lib/ M. Lib |
14. Bhavan Master | & B. Ed |
15. Science Laboratory Assistant | |
16. Gardener | SSC/ Gardening Course |
17. Peon (Male) | SSC/ HSC |
18. Laboratory Attendant | HSC (Science) Pass |
How to Apply for CHMES Bharti 2023
⏰ All Important Dates of Central Hindu Military Education Society Vacancy 2023
⏰ Last Date: |
8th of July 2023 |
Important Link of Nashik Recruitment 2023
Central Hindu Military Education Society Nashik Recruitment 2023