MPSC Assistant Motor Vehicle Inspector Exam Details
MPSC Assistant Motor Vehicle Inspector Exam Details
MPSC Assistant Motor Vehicle Inspector Exam Details : Maharashtra State Public Service Commission conducts examinations for recruitment to various departments. Technical positions in the state government’s transport department are also recruited by the Commission. The Assistant Motor Vehicle Inspector is providing information about the posts of this Group C category. Place of Appointment for these post is any where in Maharashtra..
Candidates have pass Higher Secondary Education may apply for these posts Candidates must write, read and speak Marathi language.Candidates must have a valid license issued by the competent authority to operate vehicles belonging to Gear Motor, Light Motor Vehicles and Transport Vehicles (heavy carriage and heavy passenger vehicle) on the last date for submission of applications for the main examination. More details are given below.
Assistant Motor Vehicle Inspector Exam Details
The exam is conducted in the following two stages
- Pre-examination – 100 marks. (Objective multipurpose format)
- Main Exam – 300 marks. (Objective multipurpose format)
i) Pre-examination – 100 marks. (Objective multipurpose format)
Pre-examination is conducted to limit the number of candidates for admission to the main exam. Candidates who score minimum or above the minimum limit prescribed by the Commission for pre-examination are considered eligible for the main examination. A negative score of 25% has been applied to the coefficient.
ii) Main Exam – 300 marks. (Objective multipurpose format)
Final results and selections are recommended based on the main test scores.
The coefficient method has been applied to determine the negative coefficient and minimum score in the coefficient of 25%.
Educational Qualification:
- Maharashtra State Board of Secondary and Higher Secondary Education has passed the Certificate Examination in the secondary schools or the Government of Maharashtra. S. C. Qualifications declared as equivalent to, and
- After completing the Certificate Examination in Secondary School, at least in Automobile Engineering or Mechanical Engineering
Year Diploma or Degree / Diploma declared as equivalent by the Central or State Government.
Auto engineering - Candidates holding a Bachelor’s Degree in Engineering or higher qualification or who have been declared as equivalent by the Central or State Government are also eligible
At least one year after the last date for the candidates to submit application for the Main Examination, they shall have full time staff for repair and maintenance of light motor vehicles, heavy cargo vehicles and heavy passenger vehicles in the Central or State Government Departments or authorized machines of approved businesses or Government from time to time. Period The need to see. The above experience is considered as a trainee or apprentice.
Candidates who do not have a full time staff of at least one year duration are required to have at least 3 years experience in the department of government during the probationary period or in the organization or business where the government directs from time to time.
Other Related Link:
- MPSC Maha Forest वनसेवा भरती Service Main Exam
- MPSC Answer Keys
- MPSC Result
- MPSC Schedule Time Table
- MPSC Hall Tickets