South Konkan Education Society Bharti 2019
South Konkan Education Society Bharti 2019 Application Form
South Konkan Education Society Bharti 2019: South Konkan Education Society has published the notification for the recruitment of Lecturer, Guest Lecturer, Clerk cum Typist, Teacher, Computer Instructor, Lab Instructor, Attendant Posts There are 31 vacancies available for these posts. Eligible and Interested candidates may submit their application form to the given address. The last date for submission of prescribed application form is 15th April 2019. For More details about South Konkan Education Society Bharti, 2019 is given below.
साउथ कोंकण एजुकेशन सोसायटी द्वारा प्रकाशित विज्ञापन अनुसार, यहाँ “व्याख्याता, अतिथि व्याख्याता, क्लर्क सह टाइपिस्ट, शिक्षक, कंप्यूटर प्रशिक्षक, लैब प्रशिक्षक, परिचर” की 31 रिक्त जगहोंके लिए आवेदन आमंत्रित है. आवेदन करने की अंतिम तिथि 15 अप्रैल 2019 है. अधिक जानकारी निचे दी गई है.
South Konkan Education Society Recruitment details
Notification Details for South Konkan Education Society Recruitment 2019
Govindram Seksaria Science College Recruitment 2019: Invited for the Teaching and Non-Teaching Posts. Eligible and Interested candidates may submit their application to the given address before the last date.
- Organization Name: South Konkan Education Society
- Name of the Posts: Lecturer, Guest Lecturer, Clerk cum Typist, Teacher, Computer Instructor, Lab Instructor, Attendant
- Number of Posts: 31 Vacancies
- Job Location: Belagavi
- Official Website:
- Last date to Apply: 15th April 2019
Vacancy Details For South Konkan Education Society Recruitment 2019
How to Apply For South Konkan Education Society Bharti 2019
- Eligible and Interested candidates may submit their prescribed application form to the given address.
- Prescribed application form available on or below link
- Candidates need to fill up all details in an application carefully.
- Candidates must have to send copies of duly filled prescribed application along with one set of attested copies to attach with certificates & testimonials. Prescribe application format should get filled with all necessary details
- Mention education qualification, experience, age, etc in the applications
- Also, attach the necessary documents & certificate as necessary to the posts
- Last date for download prescribed application form is 12th April 2019
- The last date for submission of prescribed application form is 15th April 2019
Address: South Konkan Education Society, RPD & GSS College Campus, Tilakwadi, Belagavi-590 006
Important Link For South Konkan Education Society Bharti 2019