TN Health Recruitment 2019
TN Health Recruitment 2019
TN Health Recruitment 2019: Health & Family Welfare Dept, Tamil Nadu has published the notification for the recruitment of Dispenser Posts. There are total 405 vacancies available for these posts. Eligible and Interested candidates may submit their application form before the last date.The last date for submission of application form is 20th September 2019. The engagement of Dispensers under this scheme is purely on part time basis. More details about TN Health Recruitment 2019 like application & application address are given below.
स्वास्थ्य और परिवार कल्याण विभाग, तमिलनाडु द्वारा प्रकाशित विज्ञापन अनुसार, यहाँ डिस्पेंसर पदों की 405 रिक्त जगहोंके लिए आवेदन आमंत्रित है. आवेदन करने की अंतिम तिथि 20 सितंबर 2019 है. अधिक जानकारी निचे दी गई है.
Notification Details For Tamil Nadu Health Department Recruitment 2019:
TN Health Vacancy 2019: Applicants posses with all necessary qualifications for this can apply by submitting their applications to given application address. More details of the applications & applications address is given below :
- Department Name: Health & Family Welfare Dept, Tamil Nadu
- Name of the Posts: Dispenser
- No. of Posts: 405 Vacancies
- Job Location: Tamil Nadu
- Official Website:
- Last date to Apply: 20th Sept 2019
Vacancy Details For Tamilnadu DIMH Dispenser Vacancy 2019:
Sr. No | Name of the Posts | No. of Posts | Qualification | Age Limit |
01 |
Dispenser |
405 |
Applicants must possess Diploma in Pharmacy/ Diploma in Integrated Pharmacy from recognized university. |
18 to 57 Year |
How to Apply For Health & Family Welfare Department Recruitment 2019:
- Interested applicants to these posts can be apply to these posts by submission of the applications to given address
- Prescribe application format should get filled with all require details
- Mention education qualifications, experience, age etc details in the applications
- Also need to attach the require documents & certificates as necessary to the posts
- Submit applications in complete form to: “Director of Indian Medicine and Homoeopathy, Arumbakkam, Chennai -106”